Last Few Posts:
Terms In The Audio:
Zero: The fundamental teaching of the late Zen master Joshu Sasaki: “As the Buddha taught, zero inevitably splits into mutually opposing activities which inevitably disappear into zero.”
Reconciling Zero: The investigation of Zero in the pursuit of Effective Zen.
Effective Zen: The one path on Zen Mountain that gives any one individual the best chance of reaching the peak (realizing non-duality).
Zen Mountain: The collection of all possible Zen paths.
Highest Good: That which exists for its own sake (there is nothing greater).
Vision: Something taken to be true but not supported by evidence.
Knowledge: A good explanation - a vision supported by experience.
Knowledge Yet to be Purified: A good explanation, but not acted upon
Purified Knowledge: Knowledge that is realized (acted upon).
The Path: Must more resemble a treasure hunt than a set of directions.
Quote From 1st Sutra:
I awakened to the middle way, which gives rise to vision, which gives rise to knowledge, which leads to equanimity, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to unbinding.
Zero-Buddhism - the necessary preconditions for a Manifested Buddhism to arise, namely:
A clear picture of the highest good, namely the realization of non-duality.
A clear picture of the path to the realization of non-duality.
Motivation and an understanding of the obstacles expected along this path.
Manifested-Buddhism - the set of spiritual activities where the highest good is the realization of non-duality.
The Question For Next Week: What do we make of Equanimity, Direct Knowledge, Self-Awakening, and Unbinding?
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